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2007 Camp Lowden Staff Reunion

A reunion was held at Camp Lowden on Saturday, September 1, 2007. Every decade was represented, including several staffers from the 1940s. Of particular note was a group of staffers from the 1960s and early 1970s who had not been back to Camp Lowden in some time.

Each participant received a new alumni patch.

In the great summer camp tradition of recent years, we had a water-balloon toss! Everyone had a great time, and congratulations to those who stayed dry! :-)

Members of the current camp staff conducted a flag-lowering ceremony, followed by evening grace.

After the lowering of the colors, Steve Sarver unveiled new displays for Bob Missman and Bob Davison, former camp staff members who were killed in action during the Korean War. The flagpole is dedicated to Bob Davison, and the rifle range to Bob Missman.

Also on this day displays were unveiled to honor longtime camp director Bill Mulford as well as former governor Frank Lowden, for whom Camp Lowden is named.

Following grace, we all marched down to the dining hall for a great supper. Many thanks go to our cooks, Bruce Small and Tim Gaston, for providing this scrumptious meal!